Sergio Panel

Coach The Dream - ICOACHKIDS proud to play a role in Nike's Youth Sport Revolution

Posted on 18th June 2024

In May 2024, ICOACHKIDS Co-Founder, Sergio Lara-Bercial was invited to Nike's Coach the Dream event at Nike's World Headquarters (WHQ) in Oregon, USA.
Nike's Social & Community Impact team hosted coaching experts from around the world and media for two days of workshops, movement, action planning and play — kicking off Nike’s Global Coaching Ignition, a year-long journey through WHQ, Paris, Japan and beyond to co-create and activate the future of youth sport coaching.

Sergio Panel

Sergio, who was also a panel member at the event, has shared his reflections below:

"ICK is delighted to be part of this global effort led by Nike to maximise the power of youth sport to change lives. This is especially so because of the focus Nike is placing on increasing the recognition and support given to youth sport coaches which is at the heart of ICK's mission"

ICOACHKIDS and Nike have worked in Partnership since 2020, and in that time have launched the ICOACHKIDS Essentials, enhanced the ICOACHKIDS website and continue to collaborate to make sport a better place for children and young people.

You can also check out Nike's free coaching resources and learn more about how you can support inclusive, kid-centered play that instills confidence and a sense of belonging in all kids, especially girls.

You can find out more about our partnership with Nike here.

Coach the Dream

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