Physical Literacy and Coaching Towards Health
with Dr. Stephen Behan and Dr. Sarahjane Belton
PHYSICAL LITERACY has been an essential topic for coaches and physical educators for years, and it's importance for children and young people remains a priority today. The goal to help children to fall in love with sport and continue to live active and healthy lives well into adulthood should be one that all coaches of kids aspire to. To help us understand this topic further, we were joined by Dr. Stephen Behan and Dr. SarahJane Belton from Dublin City University, Ireland.

Dr. Sarahjane Belton
Sarah is an Associate Professor of Physical Education, and Head of the School of Health and Human Performance, at Dublin City University. Sarah Jane’s background is in physical education, physical activity, physical literacy and movement. Sarah Jane has published widely in a range of peer reviewed journals, book chapters and textbooks. She has lead on, and been involved in, a range of national projects and intervention programmes in the area of young peoples physical education and movement, including Youth-Physical Activity Towards Health and Moving Well-Being Well. Her work has been concerned with understanding factors associated with regular physical activity participation in youth, including global elements such as well-being, physical elements such as cardiovascular fitness and body composition, but also psychological and psycho-social factors such as barriers and motivators for physical activity, self-esteem and self-efficacy, attitudes, and levels of self-determination.

Dr. Stephen Behan
Stephen joined Insight in December 2016 and is part of the Business Development team at Dublin City University. Stephen was one of the lead researchers on the Moving Well-Being Well project. One of the largest research programmes of its kind in the world, Moving Well-Being Well broke the mould, intervening early in a child’s life to increase their physical literacy and provide them with the tools to be active for life. A focus was on improving children’s confidence and motivation towards physical activity through developing their fundamental movement skills. Stephen’s interest in Health and Human Performance continues in his current role. Stephen also has a background working as a Games Promotion Officer for Dublin GAA, where he worked on the ground with various clubs across the city. Stephen has presented his work at numerous international conferences and publishes in a number of peer-reviewed journals.
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